Site Technical Stats and Performance
Domain Tools
Social Media Monitoring
General SEO Analysis
Keyword Cloud and Density Tools
Keyword Analysis, Keyword Suggestion Tools
External and Internal Linking Analysis
Visibility/Ranking Tools
Miscellaneous Tools
General Site Research
1. Quantcast
Quantcast provides data to measure, organize, discover and transact based on directly-measured traffic and inferred audience data.
2. Compete
Web analytics; allows comparison of multiple sites.
3. Alexa
Oldest site analytics site – uses external toolbars to collect data.
Site Technical Stats and Performance
4. Code Validation
This validator checks the markup validity of Web documents in HTML, XHTML, SMIL, MathML, etc.
5. Website Performance
Calculates page size, composition, and download time of a website. The script calculates the size of individual elements then offers advice on how to improve page load time.
6. Domain Dossier
This gives deep detail about a domain, including whois, network whois, DNS records, service scan, and traceroute.
7. HTTP Request Check
See exactly what an HTTP request returns to your browser, including header and code.
8. HTTP/HTTPS Header Check
Quickly view the HTTP headers returned from a given web server
9. View HTTP Path
Quickly view the path/redirects a request takes to get fulfilled.
10. What is My IP
Quickly find your IP address
11. Find IP Address of a Website
Discover the IP address of a website and the website’s hosting location.
12. Determine Country from IP Address
Determines the country a site is hosted in by IP address.
13. Find host by IP address
Lookup the host or website which an IP address belongs to.
14. Page Size Tool
Determines the HTML web page size.
15. Sitemap Generator
Create an XML sitemap that can be submitted to Google, Yahoo and other search engines.
16. Robots.txt Generator
Generate a simple robots.txt file for a website. This file allows you to hide files or directories that you don’t wish the search engine spiders to find.
Domain Tools
17. Keyword Rich Domain Suggestion Tool
This tool suggests keyword rich domain names and provides availability.
18. Domain Typo Generator
Enter a domain name into the box, and this tool will generate a list of suggestions of likely human misspellings and typos for the given domain.
19. Domain Name Checker
instantly checks .com, .net, and .org domain name availability.
20. NameBoy Domain Search
Find creative domain names by entering two keywords.
21. Domain Tools
Provides domain information and basic SEO grade for site.
Social Media Monitoring
22. Tweetvolume
Compare up to five terms to see how often they appear on Twitter.
23. Twitter Search
Enter keywords to see Twitter posts on that topic.
Search popular bookmarks.
25. Facebook Lexicon
Counts occurrences of words and phrases on Facebook Walls over time.
26. Monitter
Monitor the twitter world for a set of keywords and watch what people are saying.
27. Social Bookmark Checker
Identifies the number of social bookmark links into a website.
General SEO Analysis
28. SEO Analysis Tool
Delivers a variety of SEO datapoints all on one page, including domain age, Alexa rank, Directory listings, and more.
29. WebInfo Site Analyzer
Delivers a variety of SEO datapoints all on one page, with some differences from the analysis tool, including keywords, metadata, and use of H-tags.
30. Web Page SEO Optimizer
Evaluates keyword usage and density on a single page or compares between two pages.
31. SEO Fight and Challenge
Compares two domains and calculates an SEO score, based on a self-made algorithm. This is not hugely helpful as the algorithm is unknown, but the graphics are kinda cool to include in a presentation.
32. Website Grader
Measures SEO effectiveness in an in-depth report. Can evaluate one site or compare two.
33. WebTraffic 24
Uses an algorithm to estimate the number of daily visits and the approximate value of the site based on various factors such as Google PageRank, indexed pages by search engines, Alexa page rank and more.
34. Yahoo Siteexplorer
Provides Indexation and Inlink counts. Best inlink tool – can also download linked pages to .tsv file.
35. Duplicate Content Checker
Search for copies of your pages or copy from your pages on the Web.
36. Similar Page Checker
This tool allows you to determine the percentage of similarity between two pages.
37. Spiderview
With the spiderview simulator you see all informations a search engine spider receive from a website. Includes copy, header data including meta data, basics statistics, internal links and external links.
38. Search Engine Spider Simulator
This tool Simulates a Search Engine by displaying the contents of a webpage exactly how a Search Engine would see it. It also displays the hyperlinks that will be followed (crawled) by a Search Engine when it visits the particular webpage.
39. Code to Text Ratio
Calculates the percentage of actual text in a web page in relationship with all the code on the page.
40. Spam Detector
This tool analyzes a web page, searching for characteristics that search engines could consider spam. detects a few types of black-hat tricks: hidden text, doorway pages, keyword stuffing, etc)
41. Advanced Google Searches
A quick way to conduct advanced Google SEO searches. Find things like “pages indexed by Google that mention your domain” or “pages from your site with the search term”. Good for evaluating your own or competitor sites.
42. Domain Age Tool
Displays the approximate age of a website and allows a view of how the website looked when it first started. Allows analysis of multiple domains at once.
Keyword Cloud and Density Tools
43. Keyword Cloud
Shows which words are most prominent on a specific web page in a keyword cloud format.
44. Keyword Cloud
Shows which words are most prominent on a specific web page. This has a unique format – it looks like the words are cut out of a magazine.
45. Keyword Density
Calculates the keyword density for a web page, analyzing single keywords and keyphrases of two or three terms.
46. Keyword Density
Calculates the keyword density for a web page for single terms only.
47. Keyword Cloud with Keyword Density
This one shows a keyword cloud and top keywords in single terms, two word phrases and three word phrases.
Keyword Analysis, Keyword Suggestion Tools
48. Google Trends
Shows the latest top searches and trends related to selected keywords.
49. Google Insights
Compares search volume patterns across specific regions, categories, time frames and properties.
50. Google Keyword Tool
Shows Google popularity and recommendations for additional keywords.
51. Keyword Suggestion Tool
Determines the theme of a website and provides keyword suggestions along with traffic estimates.
52. Keyword Playground
This tool provides keyword suggestions and monthly search estimates. The monthly estimates seem low, but the comparison is valuable.
53. Keyword Discovery
Keyword analysis with competitive analysis (Free 30-day trial, pay after that).
54. Wordtracker
In-depth keyword analysis tool (Free 30-day trial, pay after that).
55. Google Sets
Automatically create sets of items from a few examples. Good for keyword research.
56. Synonymbase
Looks up not just simple terms but also synonyms and key phrases with a similar theme.
57. Keyword Map
Shows visual interpretation of relationships of chosen term to other synonyms and related terms.
58. Thumbshots
Shows graphical representation of ranking differences between Yahoo and Google.
59. Keyword Typo Generator
Generates a list of suggestions for likely human misspellings and typos. Because the results are based on the proximity of the characters on a QWERTY keyboard, and a database of common spelling/typo mistakes (as well as a few other factors), they are fairly accurate and likely to occur in a real world situation.
60. Keyword Difficulty Check Tool
See how difficult it might be to rank for specific keywords and keyword phrases. This tool assigns a difficulty rating for the given keyword.
61. Keyword Optimizer Tool
This tool is designed to manage large lists of keywords. Paste in a list of key terms and this tool will remove any duplicate entries and re-orders the list alphabetically.
62. Fuzzfind
This search engine is a mashup of Google, Yahoo, MSN, and
External and Internal Linking Analysis
63. Inlink Analyzer
This tool analyzes up to 1000 inlinks – this one is nice as the results are broken out into different classes of URLs like .edu, .mil., .com, .net, .gov and other.
64. Backlink Anchor Text Analyzer
This tool lists the inlinks to your website, and the anchor text used in those links.
65. Site Link Analyzer
This tool will analyze a given web page and provide data for both incoming and outgoing links.
66. Link Checker v2.0
Checks inlinks, including pagerank and details about the PR value.
67. Domain Popularity Analysis
This inlink checker shows all inlinks for a domain, including up to 10 subpages per domain, host IP and Google PageRank all in one page.
68. Backlink Builder
This tools searches for websites that accept paid links – using the theme you specify, it searches for sites that contain keyphrases like “Add link”, “Add site”, “Add URL”, “Add URL”, “Submit URL”, “Add Article” etc. Most of the results could be quality potential backlinks.
69. Link Counter Tool
This tool will count the number of outgoing links or URL’s on a given page and display results. This tool could be useful for link exchange purposes.
70. Reciprocal Link Checker
This tool will check to see if any given list of sites (up to 100 URLs) are linking to your website. It is a great tool to keep track of your reciprocal links.
Page Rank Tools
71. Google Toolbar
Includes page rank checker.
72. Page Rank Checker
Check page rank of a single website.
73. Visual Page Rank PR Checker
Shows the pagerank of each link on a web page, displayed in the actual web page.
74. Page Rank Check
With the PageRank checker you can verify the PageRank for up to 5 different URLs simultaneously.
Visibility/Ranking Tools
75. Search Engine Ranking Report
This handy tool will check if your website is in the top 100 results of the four major search engines: Google, Yahoo, MSN and Altavista.
76. Search Results Analysis
Check on which position your domain is ranked for a given keyword and compare the first 100 results by Google, MSN and Yahoo.
77. Search Engine Position Tool
Shows rankings in Google, Yahoo, and Live
78. Keyword Envy
Find keyword ranking for variety of search engines for up to five keywords per URL.
79. Directory Search Tool
Discover if a website is listed in top Directories
80. Marketleap Tools
Includes three tools: Keyword Verification, Search Engine Saturation, and Link Popularity.
Miscellaneous Tools
81. Web Developer Toolbar
The Web Developer extension adds a menu and a toolbar to the Firefox browser with various SEO tools.
82. Linktiger
A broken link checker.
83. Word Count Tool
Provides count of words pasted into the tool.
84. SEO Dictionary
A list of search engine optimization and marketing industry related keywords with their definitions.
This list has evolved from a list of resources used by the WebMama team and we hope it helps with the growth and visibility of your site. We will continue adding to this list over time so be sure to bookmark it. If you know of any resources that we have not included but should have, please send us a quick e-mail and we’ll do our best to include it.
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